For Those Awaiting Books

A quick and heartfelt apology to those who have won a copy of The Vengeful Dead and/or Deadworld. I will be getting copies out to the winners soon (next week or two) as I just started new job and will actually have money to be sending out a stack’s worth of books. Again, sorry for the delay, but I’ve not forgotten and will get them out asap. I hope you enjoy the story. Happy reading/writing.

Still Here….

Yep, I’m still around, and I apologize for the absence of late. I should finally be caught up with things (and cross your fingers, actually have a new job by the end of this week), and will/should begin to post again next week, just in time for the release of The Vengeful Dead. Really hate the fact I have not had the time to be here this month leading up to release date, but life throws curves on occasion and one must deal. So, hopefully more supernatural/writing posts soon, and perhaps a giveaway of some kind. Don’t forget to sign up for the giveaway over on goodreads. I’m going to give away five copies of The Vengeful Dead AND Deadworld if you have not read the first book in the series. Happy reading/writing everyone!


Busy this month looking for full time work and finishing off school term, which sadly means a light blogging month for me, which is exactly what I don’t want leading up to release day for The Vengeful Dead. In the meantime, I’m giving away 5 copies each of Deadworld and The Vengeful Dead over at Goodreads. You know, like a prize pack 🙂 I also hope I have time to get to the “extra chapters” I said I would write (and I plan too soon as I have time) that detail Nick’s initial run-in with Drake. Happy reading/writing everyone!

Damn Tech Issues

Won’t likely be blogging until next week, as a power outage fried our router, so only one computer has regular internet access, and it’s not mine. So I’m out of commission until Saturday at some point, hopefully. In the meantime, comment on Jess Haines guest post, and get a chance for signed copy of Deadworld. Happy reading/writing everyone!