Release Day!

The long awaited for day has finally arrived! So, so very exciting. It’s been a long road, and it’s a long road ahead, but I’m going to enjoy this little waypoint along the route, because it’s one of the best destination points on the whole journey. I’d thought about doing a giveaway here, but honestly, I have like four or five going on right now through guestposts on other blogs right now, so I’ll wait until later in the month to do something again specific here on the blog.  Happy reading/writing everyone! You can find some giveaway action at:

Squee post

Author copies! Big box of heavenly smelling goodness arrived on my doorstep last night. The whole book, right here in my little hands. Soooo very exciting. Amusingly enough, my wife brought me one before I knew they were here, and I thought she was joking around with me and wrapped one of my covers around another book. It took me a few seconds to realize it was the real deal. Nothing quite like holding it in your hand. It has been over three years since I typed “the end” on that first draft. Worth the wait? Of course. Words fail to adequately define the moment. Pride. Astonished. Happiness. And perhaps a bit of Gollumy “preciousssss”. It’s truly a fantastic, unreplicable moment in time, because there will only be  one “first book” that you hold in your hands.

And now I can stress that others will enjoy it too. But to celebrate the arrival of a big box of awesome, I’ll pass along a signed copy of one to a randomly chosen person who comments here between now and Sunday. I’ll roll up the random number generator  on Monday to pick a winner. Happy reading/writing everyone!